Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Windows 10 on a Raspberry Pi

What does Windows 10 look like on Raspberry Pi? 

It looks like a placeholder (see welcome screen below.)

It's not really Windows 10, it's a version of Windows 10 released as part of the Windows Developer Program for IoT - there is no desktop, there are no tiles, no apps.

So, what can you do with it? 

You can develop applications on a Windows 10 box using Visual Studio 2015 Preview and transport them to the Raspberry Pi to run. 

I've loaded Windows 10 in Parallels on a Mac Mini at home to experiment with it - it was relatively easy to set up. I won't be doing this after VS 2015 goes live because of the price tag, so this is just a temporary environment.*

There's a remote debugging facility, you can write your apps in C# or C++ and you have full access to all the general purpose IO pins on the Raspberry Pi. 

When all the pieces get to production, it looks like this will be a fine, albeit somewhat expensive, development and debugging platform for folks who don't like Linux and open source tools.

For much more information, instructions and demos: http://dev.windows.com/en-us/iot 

Much more to come!

*I've heard that the Visual Studio 2015 Community version also works but I haven't tried it yet. This version is much more in line with my budget (it's free...)

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